Bambolunye Technologies is a 21 years old South African business providing services and solutions for all your into Information and Communications Technology (ICT) needs.
The company is a level 1 BBBEE contributor..
The Company’s business mission is to serve our customers
- with professionalism, courtesy and care through motivated and competent employees at all levels of the Corporation
- with products offering quality and affordability that satisfy their differing lifestyles and needs.
- To contribute a positive change in the quality of life of our customer in the areas in which we trade, primarily through the technology and support that we offer.
- Provide our customers with quality solutions and excellent workmanship.
- World-class turnaround time and delivering in time and in full.
- Creating long and lasting relationship with our customers.
- Growing our employees and maximizing wealth creation for the shareholders and South Africa.
Competitive Advantage
We are rendering services to companies and individual customers. With experience, we have seen that speed, efficiency and problem-solving skills in rendering these services are a cornerstone of competitive advantage which results into good reputation and long-term customer satisfaction.
We are the specialists in the Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Office and Alcatel-Lucent OmniPCX Enterprise Pabx telephone systems product range and other peripherals such as Least Cost cell and international routers. Bambolunye Technologies is highly competitive in offering the latest technology of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions and the preparation of the Next Generation Network (NGN). We plan to use technology where prospective customers can easily see our services and communicate with us directly wherever they are in South Africa.
Business Principals
Our company’s basic principles and values are based on:
- Upholding internationally accepted code and standards in provision of our services.
- Promoting and supporting multi-project philosophy within the company
- Ethical business conduct.
- Introducing innovative, affordable and appropriate telecommunication products and solutions to the market.
- Contributing to the creation of employment opportunities.
- Participating along the value of the ICT sector of the economy and adding significant value.
Technical Support
Bambolunye Technologies is always striving to ensure that all our customers are happy and have a peace of mind when it comes to Telecommunications Technology. We specialize in giving high level technical support not only to the end user BUT also to our fellow colleagues in the industry.
We give technical support to other companies like us in order to make sure that while their busy with skills development we also contribute skills transfer at the same time maintain the customer satisfaction to their end user. Bambolunye Technologies installs and maintain all solutions for customers and other vendors and making sure that the standards are highly maintained.